Saturday, January 7, 2012


Well, I started harvesting the Rutabagas. I stopped at a 5 gallon bucket full. I have enough to last for about two meals the way my family loves them. They are so sweet you dont need to do anything to them except add your seasoning meat and cook! It is really good with home made hot pepper sauce. Mmmmmmmmmmm!!

This was from our winter garden last year. We are waiting on this years now!

Another fun hobby of mine

Yes, besides all the soap, cheese,milk, garden and raising goats......a girl just has to have fun!
A picture of a few of our mini sprints. We were spotlighted in one publication. Cool!

My Feta Cheese and Pasta Salad

This is one batch of my homemade Feta Cheeses.It's  full of my garden herbs and topped off with olives imported from Greece. Yummy!!!!!

Now using my Feta with Veggie Noodles for a mouth watering burst of flavor! A new way to make pasta salad come to life!